der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Apocalypsis, Season 1, Episode 4: Baphomet


Apocalypsis, Season 1, Episode 4: Baphomet

Apocalypsis, Season 1, Episode 4: Baphomet

autor: Giordano, Mario

serie: Apocalypsis

año: 2012

idioma: Englisch

duración: 63 min

Disponible previsiblemente a partir de: 10-jul-2024


Apocalypsis 1.04 (ENG) Baphomet Aided by Don Luigi and the Saudi Arabian ambassador, Peter and Maria arrive at Clairvaux where they search for the full text of the prophecy of St. Malachy. Meanwhile in Rome, a young chemist is murdered after conducting a series of tests on the relic from the papal apartment. In Avignon, Peter and Maria detect hidden symbols pointing to the order of the Knights Templar.

título: Apocalypsis, Season 1, Episode 4: Baphomet

serie: Apocalypsis

autor: Giordano, Mario

editorial: Bastei Entertainment-International

categoría: Literatura & entretenimiento, Policiales & suspenso, Suspenso

tamaño del archivo: 62 MB

formato: eAudio Stream

1 ejemplares
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plazo del préstamo: 7 dias

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