e-Ausleihe. frogs FEMA Disaster Relief Innovation


frog's FEMA Disaster Relief Innovation

frog's FEMA Disaster Relief Innovation

Person: frog

Year: 2014


It can be a few days or a few weeks between the time when disaster strikes and relief organizations can respond; in the meantime, communities are left fending for themselves. FEMA wanted to make sure help was available before its workers arrived. So after Hurricane Sandy, the organization reached out to frog, a Manhattan-based design firm that had felt the effects of the disaster in its own backyard. Learn how frog's designers and artists paired with government officials to draft a plan that bridges the gap between informal and formal relief efforts, and make sure communities are prepared ahead of time. Their print playbook for implementing community-run disaster recovery centers (DRCs) proves that design can help solve problems even on the largest scale.

Title: frog's FEMA Disaster Relief Innovation

Person: frog

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, Grafik & Video

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