e-Ausleihe. Gaining Internal Buy-In for Elearning Training


Gaining Internal Buy-In for Elearning Training

Gaining Internal Buy-In for Elearning Training

Person: Pangarkar, Ajay

Year: 2018


Management approval and support is key to any training program''s success. If you want to incorporate elearning, you must gain buy-in from the senior leaders at your organization. In this course, Ajay Pangarkar explores methods for communicating the benefits of elearning within a corporate training program. Ajay explains how to identify the primary stakeholders at your organization and anticipate their questions and expectations. In conclusion, he shows how to address employee concerns and leverage the RADAR model to build consensus.

Title: Gaining Internal Buy-In for Elearning Training

Person: Pangarkar, Ajay

Publisher : LinkedIn

Category: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

7516 Copies
7516 Available
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Loan period: 180 days