Leveraging Your Transferable Skills to Drive Your Career
Person: Glickman, Jodi
Year: 2021
- Contents:
- Have you ever looked at a job posting and talked yourself out of applying because you didn't meet the minimum requirements or have relevant experience? In this course, Jodi Glickman explains why taking yourself out of the running for a new opportunity because you feel you're not qualified (on paper, at least) is one of the biggest career mistakes you can make. Instead of letting your resume or transcript define you, you must leverage your transferable skills to create new job opportunities. Jodi shows how to uncover and highlight your strengths and talents, and connect your transferable skills to job openings to ultimately sell yourself. By acting more nimbly in today's ever-changing job market, you will become more marketable and more competitive for career paths that seemed previously out of reach.
Title Information
Title: Leveraging Your Transferable Skills to Drive Your Career
Person: Glickman, Jodi
Publisher : LinkedIn
Category: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse
Loan period: 180 days