der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Learning NVivo


Learning NVivo

Learning NVivo

autor: Rivers, David

año: 2016


NVivo is the leading tool for qualitative analysis. Qualitative data is difficult to gather and process, but with NVivo Starter 11 for Windows, you have powerful tools at your disposal. This course explores how to leverage NVivo Starter for collecting and analyzing text-based research data. David Rivers shows how to create a new project and add nodes-the containers that keep your NVivo data organized. Then learn how to import data, documents, and notes; code content; analyze data with queries; and visualize your results with NVivo's charts and diagrams.

título: Learning NVivo

autor: Rivers, David

editorial: LinkedIn

categoría: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

4451 ejemplares
4451 disponible
0 reserva

plazo del préstamo: 180 dias