Rich Man Dead Man
autor: Towslee, Tom
serie: John Standard
año: 2024
idioma: Englisch
tamaño: 328 p.
- contenido:
- Only John Standard knows how billionaire Proctor Scofield really died. He’s kept the secret for four years, but now, a lawyer determined to learn what really happened has tracked him down in the sleepy coastal town of Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Standard reluctantly agrees to tell him the story, but only if he listens to the entire tale. What unveils over the next few days is a story of murder, betrayal and a two-decade-old conspiracy involving the death of a young girl. A crime thriller set in Mexico, RICH MAN DEAD MAN is the fourth book in Tom Towslee's John Standard series.
Información de título
título: Rich Man Dead Man
serie: John Standard
autor: Towslee, Tom
editorial: Next Chapter
categoría: Literatura & entretenimiento
tamaño del archivo: 659 KB
formato: ePub
plazo del préstamo: 21 dias