der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Barack Obamas speech concerning his relationship to Reverend Jeremiah Wright on March 18th, 2008


Barack Obama's speech concerning his relationship to Reverend Jeremiah Wright on March 18th, 2008

Barack Obama's speech concerning his relationship to Reverend Jeremiah Wright on March 18th, 2008

Arbeitsblätter zur Redeanalyse

serie: Speech Analysis

año: 2008

idioma: Englisch

tamaño: 12 p.


This speech is Barack Obama's reaction to accusations about his relationship to reverend Jeremiah Wright who preached anti-American. Obama uses the speech to talk about the racial conflict in the American society. He wants the American people to build a unit. Through stylistic devices Obama forms his audience into a unit which goes beyond their skin colour. Based on the American spirit he creates an illusion of a society being changed by will and hope only. He unites the different social groups in the pathetic myth of the American Dream. Content: Transcript of Obama's speech (7,5 pages) ; Analysis of the text (2,5 pages).

título: Barack Obama's speech concerning his relationship to Reverend Jeremiah Wright on March 18th, 2008

serie: Speech Analysis

editorial: School Scout

categoría: Escuela & aprendizaje, Asignaturas, Inglés

tamaño del archivo: 84 KB

formato: PDF

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plazo del préstamo: 1 dia