der OnleiheVerbundHessen. The two headed dragon


The two headed dragon

The two headed dragon

a short story for dreamers of all ages

autor: Morehouse, D.C.

serie: eBook Classic

año: 2014

idioma: Englisch

tamaño: 15 p.

Disponible previsiblemente a partir de: 23-may-2024


Everyone in the kingdom of Bimmelburg fears the Two Headed Dragon. It lives in a cave nearby and flies over the kingdom everyday, terrorizing the people there. One day a small boy makes his way to the Two Headed Dragon's cave to defeat it and to free Bimmelburg of fear. But the feat the boy achieves by confronting the dragon is far greater.
información sobre el/los autor(es):
D.C. Morehouse is a German-American of Turkish origin. She founded Morehouse Publishing in 2010 in order to produce modern fairytales for dreamers of all ages.

título: The two headed dragon

serie: eBook Classic

autor: Morehouse, D.C.

editorial: Morehouse Verlag

ISBN: 9783957270054

categoría: Biblioteca infantil, Cuentos de hadas & leyendas

tamaño del archivo: 467 KB

formato: ePub

1 ejemplares
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plazo del préstamo: 21 dias

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