der OnleiheVerbundHessen. A Study In Scarlet


A Study In Scarlet

A Study In Scarlet

autor: Doyle, Arthur Conan

año: 2018

idioma: Englisch

duración: 283 min

Disponible previsiblemente a partir de: 02-mar-2025


In A Study in Scarlet, Holmes and Watson's first mystery, the pair are summoned to a south London house where they find a dead man whose contorted face is a twisted mask of horror. The body is unmarked by violence but on the wall a mysterious word has been written in blood. The police are baffled by the crime and its circumstances. But when Sherlock Holmes applies his brilliantly logical mind to the problem he uncovers a tragic tale of love and deadly revenge...

título: A Study In Scarlet

autor: Doyle, Arthur Conan

portavoz: Kelly, Brian

editorial: Oregan Publishing

categoría: Literatura & entretenimiento, Novelas & cuentos, Sociedad & política

tamaño del archivo: 161 MB

formato: eAudio Stream

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plazo del préstamo: 14 dias

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