der OnleiheVerbundHessen. A Star in Cornwall


A Star in Cornwall

A Star in Cornwall

autor: Briggs, Laura

año: 2017

idioma: Englisch

Disponible previsiblemente a partir de: 10-oct-2024

muestra de texto
Summer is drawing to a close at Cliffs House, but Julianne finds her free time consumed by the Cliff's Edge Players when an emergency leaves the dramatic society without their devoted director Millie. Taking charge of their latest production, a modern Romeo and Juliet set in America, Julianne has only her new temporary assistant Katie to help her, until a mysterious American backpacker-turned-village-handyman provides the missing spark the play needs. Young, charming stranger Riley O' Connell is an instant hit with Julianne's friends in the theater company as his performance steals the show ... but Julianne is afraid he may be stealing something else, too, as Riley's past catches up with him.Friendship, disasters, secrets, and sparks of romance light up the pages of Book Eight in A Wedding in Cornwall!

título: A Star in Cornwall

autor: Briggs, Laura

editorial: Smashwords

ISBN: 9781370716807

categoría: Literatura & entretenimiento, Novelas & cuentos, Amor & relación de pareja

formato: ePub

1 ejemplares
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plazo del préstamo: 21 dias