der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Stay Lean with Kanban


Stay Lean with Kanban

Stay Lean with Kanban

Auteur: Rose, Doug

Année: 2018


In many ways Kanban is counterintuitive. The system relies on basic rules and practices, and these rules can help you start a large-scale organizational change. The kanban board might only appear to be a simple diagram that shows the team's workflow. But it can help build cross-functional self-organized teams, encourage better collaboration, and increase your team's productivity. Kanban is a key way to introduce lean principles in your organization. Lean can help your teams better prioritize their work and continuously improve by removing the waste or "muda" from your process. In this course, explore essential lean principles and discover how to use a kanban board to help your team prioritize more effectively. Learn about starting enterprise lean, setting up a board, optimizing your flow, and more.

Titre: Stay Lean with Kanban

Auteur: Rose, Doug

Éditeur: LinkedIn

Catégorie: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

13122 Exemplaires
13122 Disponible
0 Réservation

Durée du prêt: 180 jours