der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Creel Price on Social Entrepreneurship


Creel Price on Social Entrepreneurship

Creel Price on Social Entrepreneurship

Yazar: Price, Creel

Yıl: 2018


Discover how to select and bring forward smart business ideas that aim to make the world a better place. In this course, join LinkedIn Influencer Creel Price-the founder and director of Investible-as he shares practical tips and key factors that can help founders successfully launch a social enterprise. Creel explains what social entrepreneurship is and why it''s unique. He also shares how to make your idea investible, fund your social enterprise, avoid common pitfalls, and much more.

Yayın adı: Creel Price on Social Entrepreneurship

Yazar: Price, Creel

Yayınevi: LinkedIn

Kategori: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

12974 Nüsha
12974 Mevcut
0 Rezervasyonlar

Ödünç alma süresi: 180 Gün