der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Medienpsychologie




Yazar: Trepte, Sabine; Reinecke, Leonard; Schäwel, Johanna

Yıl: 2021

Dil: Deutsch

Kapsam: 289 S.


Issues involving media psychology are universal: Why do we find a film exciting? What influence does music have on our feelings? Do computer games featuring violence make people aggressive? Research in media psychology offers answers to these and many other questions. The most important findings are presented in this volume in a concise and comprehensible way. Each chapter provides an overview of definitions and theories, including up-to-date studies and example applications. Central topics include the selection, reception and effect of media, as well as media competence, computer-mediated communication and career prospects. In compact form, the volume thus offers a solid understanding of the psychological aspects of media usage.
Yazar metin:
Prof. Sabine Trepte is Director of the Department of Media Psychology in the Institute of Communications Sciences at the University of Hohenheim. Prof. Leonard Reinecke is Professor of Media Effects and Media Psychology in the Institute of Journalism at the University of Mainz. Dr. Johanna Schäwel is Scientific Associate at the Institute of Communications Sciences at the University of Hohenheim.

Yayın adı: Medienpsychologie

Yazar: Trepte, Sabine; Reinecke, Leonard; Schäwel, Johanna

Mitwirkende: Leplow, Bernd ; Salisch, Maria von

Yayınevi: Kohlhammer

ISBN: 9783170391567

Kategori: Belirli alanlara ilişkin yayınlar ve el kitapları, Pedagoji ve psikoloji

Dosya büyüklüğü: 3 MB

Biçim: ePub

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Ödünç alma süresi: 21 Gün