der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Master Your Cash Flow


Master Your Cash Flow

Master Your Cash Flow

Yazar: WealthFit

Yıl: 2020


Whether you're dealing with an individual budget, a family budget, or a business budget, this course offers tips that can help you fix common budget problems and master your cash flow-all in only 25 minutes per week. Get step-by-step instructions on how to use a simple cash flow tracker to get a panoramic view of your finances. Learn how to efficiently review bank statements to spot trends, insights, and irregularities. Plus, discover how to forecast future cash flow hurdles so you can resolve them months in advance. This course was created by WealthFit. We are pleased to host this content in our library.

Yayın adı: Master Your Cash Flow

Yazar: WealthFit

Yayınevi: LinkedIn

Kategori: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

1171 Nüsha
1171 Mevcut
0 Rezervasyonlar

Ödünç alma süresi: 180 Gün