der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Barack Obamas speech in Berlin on July 25th, 2008


Barack Obama's speech in Berlin on July 25th, 2008

Barack Obama's speech in Berlin on July 25th, 2008

Arbeitsblätter zur Redeanalyse

Sıra: Speech Analysis

Yıl: 2008

Dil: Englisch

Kapsam: 10 S.


This is the only speech Barack Obama held in Europe during his election campaign as candidate for President. Obama uses the history of Berlin - namely the airlift and the Berlin wall - as basis of this speech. Obama uses the airlift and the Berlin wall as images and symbols of partnership and success. He names successes in the past and tasks for the future and emphasises several times that the world grows together and thus shares responsibilities. Content: Transcript of Obama's speech (4,5 pages); Analysis of the text (3 pages).

Yayın adı: Barack Obama's speech in Berlin on July 25th, 2008

Sıra : Speech Analysis

Yayınevi: School Scout

Kategori: Okul ve öğrenim, Alanlar, İngilizce

Dosya büyüklüğü: 75 KB

Biçim: PDF

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