der OnleiheVerbundHessen. The Room


The Room

The Room

Yazar: Maier, Andreas

Yıl: 2014

Dil: Englisch

Kapsam: 117 S.

Beklenen erişime açılma tarihi:: 08.Tem.2024


With brilliant irony, Andreas Maier describes his uncle J's fraught detachment from the real world and the life of small-town Germany in the years after World War II. 'The Room' is both a memoir and a novel, the first installment of an epic family saga, and a love-letter to an unknowable soul.
Yazar metin:
Andreas Maier was born in Bad Nauheim in 1967. In addition to winning the Ernst Willner Prize at the Ingeborg Bachmann Literary Competition in 2000, he received the Jürgen Ponto Foundation's Literary Support Prize and the Aspekte Literary Prize for his first novel 'Wäldchestag'.

Yayın adı: The Room

Yazar: Maier, Andreas

Çevirmen: Searle, Jamie Lee

Yayınevi: frisch & co Electronic Books

ISBN: 9780989126762

Kategori: Engl. eBooks von B&T, Mystery/Suspense

Dosya büyüklüğü: 803 KB

Biçim: ePub

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Ödünç alma süresi: 21 Gün

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