der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Yarned and Dangerous


Yarned and Dangerous

Yarned and Dangerous

Yazar: Hartwell, Sadie

Yıl: 2015

Dil: Englisch

Kapsam: 288 S.



Ön okuma
Yazar metin:
Sadie Hartwell grew up near the Canadian border in northern New York State, where it’s cold, dark, and snowy almost half the yearâ€"a perfect environment for nurturing a simultaneous love of mystery fiction and needlework. She attended St. Lawrence University, graduating with a degree in history, and has worked as a waitress, handbag designer/manufacturer, paralegal, and copy editor before turning to writing full time. Now she gets to play with yarn and make up stories whenever she wants, and wishes everyone had a job as much fun as hers.

Yayın adı: Yarned and Dangerous

Yazar: Hartwell, Sadie

Yayınevi: Random House Digital Dist

ISBN: 9781617737190

Kategori: Edebiyat ve eğlence, Polisiye ve gerilim

1 Nüsha
1 Mevcut
0 Rezervasyonlar

Ödünç alma süresi: 21 Gün

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