der OnleiheVerbundHessen. The Body Snatcher


The Body Snatcher

The Body Snatcher

Yazar: Melo, Patricia

Yıl: 2015

Dil: Englisch

Kapsam: 220 S.


Ön okuma
After coming upon a small plane crash, the narrator discovers a backpack filled with cocaine and uses it to begin a downward spiral into drug dealing, deciding that the only way out is to blackmail the pilot's wealthy family.
Yazar metin:
Patricia Melo: Patricia Melo is an author and playwright born in Sao Paolo (1962) but now sharing her time between Brazil and in Switzerland. Her novels Lost World, The Killer, In Praise of Lies and Inferno have been published in English to rave reviews. Clifford Landers: Clifford E. Landers has translated Brazilian Portuguese novels by Rubem Fonseca, Jorge Amado, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Patrícia Melo, and Paulo Coelho.

Yayın adı: The Body Snatcher

Yazar: Melo, Patricia

Yayınevi: Perseus Book Group

ISBN: 9781908524546

Kategori: Edebiyat ve eğlence, Polisiye ve gerilim

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0 Rezervasyonlar

Ödünç alma süresi: 21 Gün