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Clark, Dorie

Developing Credibility as a Leader

The work of leadership is to inspire action toward a shared vision. As a leader, if you cannot be se ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Parente-neubert, Gabriella

Hiring an Employee for Managers

The secret to a company's success often lies in the people you hire. As a manager, you depend on you ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Gerigk, Dagmar

Coaching für mehr Wachstum


Lösungsorientiertes Coaching lässt Sie und Ihr Team wachsen, so dass Sie produktiver arbeiten. Damit ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Toister, Jeff

Gestão de Equipes de Atendimento ao Cliente

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Gerigk, Dagmar

Durch 360-Grad-Führung aufsteigen

Als Führungskraft wachsen Sie in einer größeren Organisation nur, wenn Sie in der Lage sind, 360 Gra ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Clark, Dorie

Prioritizing Effectively as a Leader

Great leaders focus on the most important priorities. But in a busy work environment, we have to lea ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


McGannon, Bob

Project Management Foundations: Ethics

Your overall success as a project manager depends upon your ability to identify and manage ethical i ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021



Product Management: Launching Your Product

80% of new products fail. What are the other 20% doing right? Companies that see new products thrive ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


McBee, Jennifer

Cert Prep: Access Expert - Microsoft Office Specialist for Office 2019 and Office 365

Demonstrate your mastery of Access 2019 by becoming a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS). Get trainin ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


澤田, 博明

すぐに役立つExcel for Mac 2011の便利技

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


McBee, Jennifer

Cert Prep: Word Associate - Microsoft Office Specialist for Office 2019 and Office 365

Demonstrate your knowledge of Word 2019 by becoming a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS). Get trainin ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


McBee, Jennifer

Cert Prep: Excel Associate - Microsoft Office Specialist for Office 2019 and Office 365


Demonstrate your knowledge of Excel 2019 by becoming a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS). Get traini ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Matthews, Jason

Learning Ebook Publishing

Learn how to self-publish your ebook successfully and give it the best chance of being read. Taught  ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Rivers, David

Learning HubSpot CRM

Your success in sales depends on your ability to manage multiple customers, conversations, and activ ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Rezvani, Selena

Being Your Own Fierce Self-Advocate

Are you prepared to advocate for yourself at work, or are you unsure how to seize opportunities and  ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Guillebeau, Chris

Marketing Your Side Hustle

Discover strategies tools, and tactics to market and grow your side hustle. Instructor Chris Guilleb ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Frye, Curt

Learning Public Data Sets

Discover how to find free, public sources of data on a variety of business, education, and health is ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Guillebeau, Chris

32 Ways to Make Extra Money

In this fast-paced and fun course, hear 32 inspiring stories of busy people who used their existing  ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Narasimhan, Nitya

Women Transforming Tech: Networking

Building a career in technology can be challenging-especially for women. A solid community can make  ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021


Alexander, Anson

Advertising on Pinterest

It''s already home to a sought-after and active target audience. But with the introduction of promot ...

Au catalogue depuis le: 20.05.2021
