Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745) was an Anglo-Irish writer, essayist and satirist. He is less well known ...
In stock since: 15.12.2010
Emily Brontë (1818-1849) was one of the three famed Brontë sisters. Her probably most famous work is ...
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Dieses Material bietet Informationen zu dem amerikanischen Spielfilm 'Harry Potter und der Stein der ...
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BBharati Mukherjee was born in 1940 in Calcutta, India. After her graduation from university in Indi ...
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Anita Desai (*1937) is an Indian novelist and short story writer. She was born in Mussoorie, India, ...
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The election campaigns in the US are in full progress: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are fighting ...
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In diesem Material geht es um Peter Weirs Film 'Die Truman Show', der über den Werdegang eines Indiv ...
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Wilfred Owen(1893-1918) was a British poet and soldier. He became famous as one of the leading poets ...
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Sie suchen Infos und Materialien zu Filmen, die Sie im Unterricht einsetzen wollen: Dann greifen Sie ...
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SSalman Rushdie was born in India in 1947, but moved to Pakistan with his family at the age of 17. R ...
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William Blake (1757 - 1827) was an English painter, printmaker and poet. His career as an artist sta ...
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Christmas traditions are different in the USA than they are in Germany, due to the many cultures tha ...
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The Kenyan author Ngugi wa Thiong'o (*1938) is one of the most important and most influential voices ...
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William Shakepeare (1564-1616) was a poet and playwright. Today he is regarded as the most influenci ...
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Chinua Achebe received the Man Booker International Prize in honor of his literary career in June 20 ...
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Anne Chislett (*1942) is a Canadian author and screenwriter. After graduating from the University of ...
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A Long Way Down deals with four characters who meet when they all want to commit suicide on New Year ...
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Qaisra Shahraz (*1958) was born in Pakistan, but came to England with her parents at the age of ten. ...
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Prinz Prospero liebt das Bizarre. Er besitzt mehrere prächtige Schlösser und doch hat er ein großes ...
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