Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745) was an Anglo-Irish writer, essayist and satirist. He is less well known ...
en la colección desde: 15.12.2010
Emily Brontë (1818-1849) was one of the three famed Brontë sisters. Her probably most famous work is ...
en la colección desde: 15.12.2010
Wilfred Owen(1893-1918) was a British poet and soldier. He became famous as one of the leading poets ...
en la colección desde: 15.12.2010
William Shakepeare (1564-1616) was a poet and playwright. Today he is regarded as the most influenci ...
en la colección desde: 15.12.2010
Roger McGough (*1937) was born in Liverpool and first made himself a name as one of the 'Liverpool P ...
en la colección desde: 10.11.2010
The voice of the poem describes the underworld as a huge cemetery under the sea. The dead are eterna ...
en la colección desde: 10.11.2010
Edgar Allan Poe lived from 1809 to 1849. He is one of the most important American poets and authors. ...
en la colección desde: 10.11.2010
Reg E. Gaines is an American playwright, teacher, lecturer and poet. He has performed frequently in ...
en la colección desde: 10.11.2010
William Blake (1757 - 1827) was an English poet and painter. He is considered as one of the most imp ...
en la colección desde: 10.11.2010
Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) was an American poet. After a voluntary service in the Spanish-American Wa ...
en la colección desde: 10.11.2010
Walt Whitman(1819-1892) was an American author who is often considered as the founder of modern Amer ...
en la colección desde: 10.11.2010
William Blake's poem describes impressions of London and its inhabitants. The voice of the poem walk ...
en la colección desde: 10.11.2010