e-Ausleihe. Last Bus to Coffeeville


Last Bus to Coffeeville

Last Bus to Coffeeville

A Story of Love, Friendship and Humour

Person: Henderson, J. Paul

Year: 2014

Language: English

Scope: 384 p.



Reading sample
J Paul Henderson spent four years in Mississippi, leaving with a doctorate in 20thC US History and more knowledge of Darlington Hoopes than was arguably necessary. (Hoopes was a Pennsylvanian socialist and the last presidential candidate of the American Socialist Party).

Title: Last Bus to Coffeeville

Person: Henderson, J. Paul

Publisher : Perseus Book Group

ISBN: 9781843442660

Category: Literature & Entertainment, Novels & Narratives

Format: ePub

4 Copies
1 Available
0 Reserved items

Loan period: 21 days

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