e-Ausleihe. Culture Smart! Rwanda


Culture Smart! Rwanda

Culture Smart! Rwanda

The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture

Person: Crawford, Brian

Year: 2019

Language: English

Scope: 168 p.


Reading sample
&;The Land of a Thousand Hills,&; is known for its abundant natural beauty and iconic wildlife, from chimpanzees in the Nyungwe Forest to the returning lions and rhinoceros of Akagera National Park. This is a country of tea, coffee, and intricately woven baskets, of expressive drumming, and the subtle and artistic Intore dancers. It has a growing film industry, a world-class cycling team, a thriving contemporary music scene, and a burgeoning economy. The capital, Kigali, glimmers with new construction, and has become a home for investment and economic growth. Rwandans today remain a dignified, reserved, and welcoming people. They share a deep pride in their unique culture and history&;demonstrated by their eagerness to showcase it to visitors&;and they are dedicated to development. But to get the most from your stay, plunge in deeper and get to know them on their own terms, and you will find that you can make lifelong friends.

Title: Culture Smart! Rwanda

Person: Crawford, Brian

Publisher : Independent Pub Group

ISBN: 9781787029309

Category: Non-Fiction & Guidebooks, Travel & Adventure

Format: ePub

1 Copies
1 Available
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Loan period: 21 days