der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Following Up after a Sales Meeting


Following Up after a Sales Meeting

Following Up after a Sales Meeting

autor: Benson, Steve

año: 2019


When it comes to closing deals, stellar presentations aren't always enough to clinch a sale. Effectively following up with prospects after a sales meeting is critical-and failing to do so can cause a once-promising deal to go cold. In this course, Steve Benson, a top sales coach and expert, shares practical strategies for following up with prospects in a way that keeps the momentum of a great sales meeting going. Learn the ingredients for a powerful follow-up; how to tackle common objections such as "I'll think about it"; and how to evade common pitfalls, including which phrases to avoid in your follow-up email or calls.

título: Following Up after a Sales Meeting

autor: Benson, Steve

editorial: LinkedIn

categoría: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

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plazo del préstamo: 180 dias