der OnleiheVerbundHessen. German Visual Dictionary For Dummies


German Visual Dictionary For Dummies

German Visual Dictionary For Dummies

año: 2021

idioma: Englisch

tamaño: 192 p.



German Visual Dictionary A visual way to learn GermanIt’s a fact—seeing something helps us remember it. This handy guide helps you build your German vocabulary with full-color pictures that illustrate the words. You’ll be able to communicate with native speakers faster as you learn and remember more words and their meanings. The book is organized by themes such as transportation, accommodations, restaurants and eating, sports, emergencies, shopping, and more, making it especially useful for travelers. Boost your learning speed today!InsideNavigate a cityHandle money like a localMaster short conversationsBe prepared for emergencies
información sobre el/los autor(es):

The Experts at Dummies are smart, friendly people who make learning easy by taking a not-so-serious approach to serious stuff.

título: German Visual Dictionary For Dummies

editorial: Wiley

ISBN: 9781119717188

categoría: Materiales de no ficción & auto-ayuda, Informaciones & documentación, Obras de consulta

tamaño del archivo: 23 MB

formato: ePub

1 ejemplares
1 disponible
0 reserva

plazo del préstamo: 21 dias

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