Confronting Bias: Thriving Across Our Differences
Auteur: Huffington, Arianna; Myers, Verna
Année: 2018
- Contenu:
- Find greater meaning, well-being, and productivity by learning how to interact with others across differences. Continue your Thrive journey and discover how to create inclusive environments where everyone can thrive. In this course, Arianna Huffington and Verna Myers discuss the impact of our cultural lens on our daily relations and how to counter bias in our words and actions.
Informations sur le titre
Titre: Confronting Bias: Thriving Across Our Differences
Auteur: Huffington, Arianna; Myers, Verna
Éditeur: LinkedIn
Catégorie: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse
Durée du prêt: 180 jours