der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Voice Search Marketing


Voice Search Marketing

Voice Search Marketing

Auteur: Jantsch, John

Année: 2019


Voice search is changing online marketing. Using the voice-activated technology embedded in computers, phones, TVs, and smart hubs, customers can find information, shop, and get recommendations on the go-without ever accessing a keyboard. It's important to understand how this new style of search affects how customers find your business. In this course, John Jantsch explains the impact of voice search on online marketing, including SEO, content marketing, and site design. Learn how the technology is currently being used and how it will evolve, and the tools and techniques you can use to make your business stand out.

Titre: Voice Search Marketing

Auteur: Jantsch, John

Éditeur: LinkedIn

Catégorie: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

12886 Exemplaires
12886 Disponible
0 Réservation

Durée du prêt: 180 jours