der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Nikon D800 and D810: Tips, Tricks, Techniques


Nikon D800 and D810: Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Nikon D800 and D810: Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Yazar: Simon, Steve

Yıl: 2015


You've been using your Nikon D800 or D810 for a while-but are you using it efficiently? These cameras are packed with customization features that enable you to fine-tune the way they handle everything from focusing to exposure. In this course, photographer, author, and educator Steve Simon demonstrates a set of customization strategies aimed at making the D800 and D810 far more responsive.

Yayın adı: Nikon D800 and D810: Tips, Tricks, & Techniques

Yazar: Simon, Steve

Yayınevi: LinkedIn

Kategori: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, Grafik & Video

12988 Nüsha
12988 Mevcut
0 Rezervasyonlar

Ödünç alma süresi: 180 Gün