der OnleiheVerbundHessen. SVN for Java Developers


SVN for Java Developers

SVN for Java Developers

Yazar: Robichaux, Julian

Yıl: 2017


Given that programmers are constantly modifying their code-and that other developers often touch the very same code-it's crucial to keep track of your changes. By leveraging software version control systems such as Apache Subversion (SVN), you can help your team stay on the same page. In this course, learn how to use SVN to keep track of your code changes and merge conflicting changes. Julian Robichaux covers key concepts and terminology such as trunks, commits, and revisions, and explains how to create a new Java project, make changes, and create branches. He also covers how to find and fix conflicts using Eclipse, create a release, and use SVN and Git together.

Yayın adı: SVN for Java Developers

Yazar: Robichaux, Julian

Yayınevi: LinkedIn

Kategori: eLearning, Software & Programmieren, IT

13074 Nüsha
13074 Mevcut
0 Rezervasyonlar

Ödünç alma süresi: 180 Gün