der OnleiheVerbundHessen. Using Articulate Rise 360 for Rapid-Deployment Training


Using Articulate Rise 360 for Rapid-Deployment Training

Using Articulate Rise 360 for Rapid-Deployment Training

Yazar: Anderson, David

Yıl: 2020


Articulate Rise 360, the popular elearning authoring tool, is a go-to solution for rapid-deployment training. In this course, join instructor David Anderson as he walks through how to quickly deploy safety and emergency-response training to your workforce or organization using Rise 360. David shares tips and tricks for working efficiently in Rise 360, including how to use the Content Library to find the perfect, royalty-free image without interrupting your workflow. Learn how to use blocks within Rise 360 to translate classroom activities into elearning interactions, as well as how to prepare your course for launch. To wrap up, David shares how to rapidly get your emergency response content into the hands of learners by sharing a web link to your course, exporting your course as an LMS package, or exporting your course as a PDF file.

Yayın adı: Using Articulate Rise 360 for Rapid-Deployment Training

Yazar: Anderson, David

Yayınevi: LinkedIn

Kategori: eLearning, Berufliche Weiterbildung, Betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse

13148 Nüsha
13148 Mevcut
0 Rezervasyonlar

Ödünç alma süresi: 180 Gün